Formed in 1955 and with the BSAC branch
number 23, Croydon BSAC is one of the longest running diving clubs in
the country. We pride ourselves on the quality of
training we provide
and the warm, friendly welcome of our members. The club has a reputation
for safety and has built up close relations with various charter boat
skippers and diving shops.
In the past, the club has been a
leading light within BSAC, providing assistance to fledgling clubs as
far away as the Shetland Islands and, in 1970, being awarded the
of Edinburgh's Prize. The Prize was awarded for the clubs archaeological
work on the Mewstone Cannon Site in Plymouth, a survey that featured in
the very first edition of the Journal of Nautical Archaeology.
We continue to provide well for our
members and in recent years have arranged expeditions to the Channel
Isles, Normandy, Scapa Flow, the Scilly Isles, Mull, Cornwall, Dorset, Malta and
the Red Sea.
Looking forward through 2009 we have
trips to Sark and Scapa Flow
arranged...who knows what's in store for 2010!!!